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Network RPC Endpoints

Public available Conflux Core Space network RPC endpoints


Public RPC endpoints for Conflux eSpace is provided here.

1. Confura

Confura is an Ethereum Infura equivalent public JSON-RPC service on Conflux network, which is developed and maintained by Conflux foundation and is available for free use.

Public Endpoint

Confura provides several available RPC endpoints for the mainnet and testnet. We have sorted them by selected priority and provided brief descriptions. If you are unsure which one to choose, please select an RPC endpoint near the top of the list.


Chain ID for Conflux Core Space Mainnet is 1029(0x405). The corresponding blockchain explorer URL is

RPC EndpointTypeNotes
https://cfxmain-china.confluxrpc.comHTTPRPC Service for China Users
https://cfxmain-global.confluxrpc.comHTTPRPC Service for Global Users
https://main.confluxrpc.orgHTTPBackup RPC Service
wss:// RPC Service


Chain ID for Conflux Core Space Testnet is 1(0x1). The corresponding blockchain explorer URL is

RPC EndpointTypeNotes
https://test.confluxrpc.orgHTTPBackup RPC Service

Rate Limits

To maintain the service's usability, there are rate limits in place for the free tier. For access to a higher tier of RPC service, you can make a purchase through the Web3 Paywall, or you can apply directly to the Conflux Foundation by emailing

Here are references for various fee tiers and their rate limits.

Fee TierPriceRate LimitsBuy Links
Free$050 calls/second, up to 100,000 calls/day-
Standard$150/mo100 calls/second, up to 1,000,000 calls/daymainnet
Enterpriseplease inquire bd@confluxnetwork.orgcustomize on demand-


  • Maximum result-set size is 10,000 for getLogs call;
  • Old archived event logs may be inaccessible due to data prune;
  • Append your api key to the endpoint for privileged access (eg.,<api-key>);
  • Rate limits are also imposed per RPC method, please check the following specification for more details.
Rate Limit Specification
RPC MethodFree tierStandard TierComment
allQPS < 50;
daily total < 100k
QPS < 100;
daily total < 1million
overall RPC requests
cfx_getLogsQPS < 5QPS < 20-
cfx_callQPS < 5QPS < 50-
cfx_getBlockBy*QPS < 5QPS < 20includes:
cfx_getTransaction*QPS < 5QPS < 20includes:
debug RPCnot supportedQPS < 20includes:
cfx_getEpochReceipts etc.
trace RPCnot supportedQPS < 20includes:
trace_block, trace_filter, trace_transaction
filter APInot supportedsupportedincludes:
cfx_newFilter, cfx_getFilterChanges etc.
Confura Common Errors

The Confura service have some proprietary errors, these errors are not part of the Conflux-rust client RPC implementation.

common error response format:

"id": 123,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32000,
"message": "daily request limit exceeded: Too many requests (exceeds 100000)"

Rate Limit related errors:

daily request limit exceeded: Too many requests (exceeds 100000)
access forbidden by allowlistsThe requested method is only available in the VIP service.
allowed qps exceeded: Too many requests, exceeds 50 at a time

Encountering such errors, please purchase a higher-tier service through the web3 paywall.

getLogs related errors:

event logs are too stale (already pruned)
Filter must provide one of the following: (1) an epoch range through fromEpoch and toEpoch, (2) a block number range through fromBlock and toBlock, (3) a set of block hashes through blockHashes
invalid block range (from epoch larger than to epoch)
Filter must provide one of the following: (1) a block number range through fromBlock and toBlock, (2) a set of block hashes through blockHash
filter.block_hashes can contain up to 32 hashes; xxx were provided.
filter.address can contain up to 32 addresses; xxx were provided.
filter.topics must be no more than 4-dimensional array; xxx were provided.
filter.topics can contain up to 32 topics per dimension; xxx were provided.
query set is too large, please narrow down your filter condition
result set to be queried is too large with more than 10000 logs, please narrow down your filter condition
filter not found

service errors:

no full node available
subscription proxy error
query timeout with duration exceeds 3s
server is too busy, please try again later
RPC middleware crashed

This type of error indicates an issue with the Confura service. Please try again later or contact the service provider.

2. Unifra

Unifra is a Web3 developer platform focused on simplifying blockchain development. It has built a suite of developer tools, enhanced APIs, and a superior node infrastructure to seamlessly build and run blockchain applications. Unifra provide API services for multiple chains including Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon and Conflux.

Unifra provides:

  • Open access to free public end-points
  • Real-time webhook alerts via Notify
  • Best-in-class support and reliability / stability
  • Unifra's NFT API
  • Dashboard with Request Explorer

To use Unifra's service, developer need to register an account first and find the RPC endpoint in Unifra console. For detail infomation check Unifra's documentation

Public Endpoint

NetworkChain IDExplorerEndpoint