📄️ Intro
We will give you a quick introduction to Core Space. It is a smart contract platform kind of like Ethereum. If you are familiar with Ethereum, this guide will help you understand Core Space quickly.
📄️ Base32 Addresses
In Conflux, every account is associated with a pair of public and private keys, and is identified by an address. This page is about how address is presented and computed in core space.
📄️ Accounts
This page is created to provide information for CORE SPACE ACCOUNTS. Refer to General-Accounts for the overall introduction of the concept of ACCOUNTS.
📄️ Storage Collateral
Conflux Core introduced the Collateral for Storage (CFS) mechanism as a pricing method for using storage. Compared to Ethereum's one-time storage fee, the CFS mechanism is more fair and reasonable. In principle, this mechanism requires locking a certain amount of funds as collateral to occupy storage space. This collateral remains locked until the corresponding storage space is either released or taken over by others. The interest generated by the locked collateral is directly allocated to miners for maintaining the storage space. Thus, the storage cost in Conflux also depends on the duration for which the storage space is occupied. Conflux has detailed this mechanism in chapter 7 of its Conflux Protocol Specification.
🗃️ Transactions
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📄️ Sponsorship Mechanism
Conflux Core Space implements a sponsorship mechanism to subsidize the usage of smart contracts. Thus, a new account with zero balance is able to call smart contracts as long as the execution is sponsored (usually by the operator of Dapps). This mechanism is designed to reduce the barrier of entry for new users.
📄️ VM Differences
The Core Space VM is compatible with the EVM in most cases, but there are some differences. This page lists the differences between the two.
🗃️ Internal Contracts
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